Baby food cake
She used cardboard cake rounds to build her three tiers. After a few tries of rearranging the jars, she secured everything in place and added the ribbon. The stickers went on last along with her frog friend. I think she had a great first try and my sister loved it, and definitely loved having the jars on hand for when the little one was ready for his first taste of food.
Next up,
Diaper Babies
Diaper Baby Basket
This is the third diaper baby basket that my eight year old has made. She found this idea herself on Pinterest (she has her own account :)). They were a big hit and so easy to make!
She rolled out size 1 diapers (you can do this with the newborn or size 2 in case someone else at the shower is making a diaper cake). She then secured them with a clear hair elastic that we purchased from Walmart. The hats (socks from my sister's registry at Target) were separated from their pairs and each one was put on the top of the rolled diaper and then she pushed in the remainder of the sock inside the top portion. She drew little eyes (some closed some open, you could also use googly eyes), we used a thin sharpie. For the blanket (washcloths that were purchased from my sister's registry), she folded them into a triangle and wrapped it in a swaddle, like you would a newborn. We bought the basket at the dollar tree and used baby scrapbooking stickers that I had leftover to decorate the inside. We used spare diapers on the bottom of the basket to give the babies some height (my daughter called it their mattress). :)
My sister loved her gifts and the fact that the girls made them their selves. And I thought it was pretty cool that they chose unique, creative gifts, that will get a lot of use. Oh, and I also liked that they spent time letting their creative juices flow instead of being in front of the computer, on the phone or in front of the tv. ;)